Alfisol, Item 007: IExFit, version 3.4
Fit adsorption data based on ion exchange reaction models.
Display solid & liquid & gas phase speciation diagrams as a funciton of pH & redox conditions.

Software Overview


Here you view the database information for the aqueous reactions that are relevant to your file.

The initial database supplied with version 3.4 has 704 reactions entered.
You can add a new reaction (see last illustration below).
You can edit an existing reaction.
You can drop an existing reaction from the database. Careful with this! It cannot be undone.
You can ignore ("not use") an existing reaction in the database. (This is a safer option than dropping it.)
To "not use" a reaction allows you to evaluate how the aqueous speciation impacts your results.

Only reactions that are relevant to the specific exercise are shown.